My name is Nicholas.
In 2008 I found a dusty box of scrap leather and tools in a dear old friend’s garage. At the time I had a decaying duct tape wallet that I’d made a few years earlier, so I tried out making a leather one. It was ugly, but it was functional and I enjoyed the process. I made wallets for my friends, posted some photos online, and eventually began to get requests for more.
With gratitude to my supporters, I’ve been making leather goods most days since then.
As the years go by, the work has grown in unexpected directions. It began as a search for a practical solution to an everyday problem, but over time it has also allowed me to exorcise my curiosity, engage creatively, and deeply test and reshape my personal values, all while still resulting in practical (and sometimes beautiful) solutions to everyday problems.
I like to focus my work on mundane objects because we are surrounded by them, and too many of them were brought into the world carelessly. I hope to offer an alternative to the inconsiderate production and consumption that has become the norm in our baffling world; to make a shift away from objects and towards artifacts. It's an endeavor that I take seriously, even though I never expect to succeed.
In the end, I just make things. I have a lot of questions, and there may be answers to be found in the process, so I am doing my best to listen.